Summer. Families are crammed into vans bulging with suitcases, pillows, headphones, and a cooler for…

Moms in the Kitchen
How does Mom take a few ingredients and combine them in such a way to make mouth-watering meals and desserts? Here are some favorite recipes, written from a child’s perspective!
1 whole piece of butter
brown sugar
lots of nuts
50 chocolate chips
90 oatmeal
First, we melt the butter. We put it in the mixer. Then we turn it on. Next, add brown sugar. Chop up nuts. Put in the chocolate chips and oatmeal. Now its time to taste a little of the cookie dough. After that scoop the cookie dough onto the pan. Put it in a kind of hot oven for 15 minutes. Get them out of the oven. When they’re all cooled off, you get to eat them!
A bunch of these vegetables:
Carrots, Peas, Green Beans, Corn
A Whole Chicken
5 cups of gravy
You make it like a pizza crust but harder. You don’t really eat this part. Put the crust in a pan so it goes on the sides too.
Mix the filling things together. Now pour into the crust. Put a thing on top. That part you eat. Put it in the oven to cook for a half hour.
1 handful of cheese
1 meat (chicken)
Just a little sauce (almost like spaghetti sauce)
1 tortilla
Put the chicken in a pot and cook for an hour or two. Right when it’s done, you put the cheese on top of the chicken. (Be sure to take the bones out of the chicken first.) Put the sauce on the tortilla. Roll it up and eat it!
1 English Muffin
Peanut butter (enough to fill up the tip of a knife.)
Honey (10 seconds long)
Take an English muffin and cut it in half. Put both halves into a toaster, because our toaster does two at a time. Set the toaster at one centimeter before the 5. After the 5 is too much! Take the English muffins out and put peanut butter on them until you can barely see the muffin part. Then put honey on top of the peanut butter. Squeeze the honey over the peanut butter for 10 seconds and then spread it. It’s all done!
SALMON by Jonathan
Go fishing for salmon (you need one big giant piece)
A little bit of salt
A bunch of pepper (my mom likes it with a bunch of pepper)
Put it in a medium hot oven and cook it for 40 minutes. Put melted cheese on it. Then cut it up and eat it with pasta!
10 Oreos
1 box vanilla ice cream
1 Lucky M&M
Whipped Cream (however much you want for the top)
Take out the white stuff on the Oreos (unless you like the white stuff, then leave it in). Put the Oreos in a bag. Smash up the cookies with the flat side of a cooking hammer. (Don’t use the spiky side!) Put the crushed up Oreos in a pan like thing and flatten it for the crust. Put the ice cream on until it comes to the top of the pan. Leave space for whipped cream. Stick the Lucky M&M in the ice cream with a spoon. (Don’t use your fingers!) Put the whipped cream on the top. We usually put a few crushed up Oreos and sprinkles on top. If you get the Lucky M&M you get a couple of dollars!
And just in case you want to make something special for Mom:
3 strawberries, cut straight through the fuzzy thing
1 banana, chopped up
4 scoops of strawberry ice cream
4 purple grapes
4 squirts of chocolate
1 card
First, you take ice cream. Second, get the bananas. Next, get the grapes and put on the side of the bowl. Put the chopped strawberries in the middle of the ice cream. Last, put the squirts of chocolate on the strawberries. Get a pink string and some scissors. Put your thumb on the scissors and curl it. Get a hole puncher and punch a hole 1 centimeter away from the edge of the card. Take the pink string and put it through the hole and tie a knot. Put a big heart on the card and write in the heart, “Thank you for everything you do.”
Happy Mother’s Day to Mothers everywhere! You’re being watched more than you know!
Credits: First and Second Grade Students from Mrs. Bretzing’s class.
These cracked me up. Thanks, Claudia for making me smile.
This was my favorite writing activity of the year with my students! It is delightful to see the world through the eyes of a child!