I guess you could say I'm a kid at heart, especially when it comes to…

The Story Behind “The Cancer Effect”
Unexpected Journey
I will always remember the day I learned I needed a biopsy on a suspicious mass discovered in my left breast. I was completely lost. The shock of the news sent me spinning and I didn’t have a clue how to proceed. Each step on this journey brought new twists, turns, bumps, and detours, which I gradually tackled, one by one. Upon reaching the end of the long treatment road, I realized I left my emotions at the beginning. I used all my energy to fight the physical battle and now faced the task of making sense of the complicated feelings that accompany a cancer diagnosis. I thought the physical journey was difficult.
Why I Wrote
After finishing eight grueling months of chemotherapy, I began writing my story. It was therapeutic, allowing me to sort through the inner turmoil I couldn’t shake. Emotional survival was just as important as the physical and I saw the wisdom in sharing with others what I discovered along this precarious path. Maybe, just maybe my words could ease the journey for someone else.
My story is also relevant for the family who must watch and care for a loved one diagnosed with cancer. As they walk with me down the cancer road, they get a glimpse of the thoughts and struggles facing cancer patients. I show how family and friends play a vital, supportive role in assisting their loved one to conquer the challenges ahead.
The Cancer Effect was written to help us all survive the disarming effects of cancer. We need to support each other as we move forward after hearing the words no one wants to hear. To quote my editor, “Wow. I feel like I just passed through the most incredible journey. You have brought the reader right into your world.” I hope The Cancer Effect does the same for you.
The Cancer Effect is available on Amazon. http://tinyurl.com/zvbj8sk
Thanks for giving everyone an opportunity to take us step by step through your amazing journey. I’m looking forward to hearing the release date!
It’s getting close now! I just heard from my editor last night and the book is in its final stages. I’ll be sure to let you know when it’s released!
Hope it will be out before Christmas. So very proud of you.
This book includes discussion questions for Book Clubs! You inspired me to do that. The publishing date will be in October, just in time for Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
I can’t wait to read every word! So looking forward to having a copy! I am happy for you that your story is finished and ready to be shared!!! Yea! I am so proud of you, Claudia, and happy we are eternal sisters!
Thanks Diane! You and Rich have supported me through cancer, and now my book. I couldn’t ask for a more loving family!
This is all I want for my birthday!!! Your published copy in my hands 🙂
We are so proud of you and are so excited for the journey ahead!
I can’t wait to hand you a personally signed copy BEFORE your birthday! Thanks my dear daughter for always being there for me. You are part of my story!
Can’t wait to to read this- your amazing!!!
Thanks Mary! I hope it will help all those affected in one way or another by cancer, whether it be the patient, the family, or friends. In today’s world, that just about includes everyone.
Dear friend, I have loved and admired you ever since our first encounter at Hale Elementary dear teacher of my grandchildren . Now you are teaching all of us again . Bless you and thank you. I can barely wait to be lifted and taught by you again.
You have such a beautiful heart to share your personal deep journey to help others! I can’t wait to read it as my cousin just found out they found something in her breast and she might have breast cancer! This help me to know how to be there for her and understand what she is going through so thank you!
I am sorry to hear about your cousin. Please know she is in my prayers. The whole purpose of this book is to provide support and comfort to those faced with cancer, along with their family and loved ones. I hope it will be helpful in the event she is facing cancer. My heart and love to her.
Oh my goodness I can’t wait to read this. I lost my sweet sister-in-law Marian Shepherd several years ago to breast cancer. She wrote a “little book” of her feelings and how she came closer to Christ through this experience. I cherish that book since it was only written for members of her family. I appreciate so much that you are willing to share your feelings and experience with others. I know it will help those who are affected by this terrible disease. I will keep watching for updates and will be first in line to buy it.
You have warmed my heart with your tender comments. I’m sure her book of feelings will be cherished by all who love her. I definitely grew closer to my Savior during this journey. I learned so much about myself and how to trust in God. With Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, we are never alone in any of our earthly trials.
Can’t wait to read it!
You have travelled this road my dear friend, but first you were so diligent in helping me through my journey. I will be forever grateful to you.
Claudia, what beautiful words…I got chills just reading this. Looking forward to the book. You are amazing.
Thanks SueAnn! How wonderful to hear from you, a dear friend I have always admired! Please give your boys a hug for me!
Autumn!… You have a copy already?! Now I know who the favorite daughter is! Jk, mom that intro is amazing and I can’t wait to read it! Love you!!!
Kim…. lol you are so funny! I wish I had a copy! But yes… I am the favorite lol 😉
Your favorite!!!
Autographed copies for all of you as soon as it is out!
I keep telling you! You are ALL my favorites!!!
Bless your heart for sharing your story for everyone to read and ponder.
Thank you Ellen! With all your lifetime experience, you could fill volumes with your wisdom. I admire you so much.
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